
2011-07-29来源 : 互联网

  • Guzmania conifera cv. Torch *炬凤梨的花柱直立于幅射匀称、绿色的剑叶丛中,不分枝,花序球状位于花柱顶部,红黄色苞片排列雅致,容易使人产生视觉余辉的"光芒四射",既似*炬又如高贵的权棒,株形气势不凡。该品种耐摆性很强,达三四个月之久。栽培用水偏干,但水质要求严格,不宜过荫管理,为我省近年年花中贵重的品种之一,亦已有组培生产。 Style erects in the evenly radiating green saber bushes, has no twig.Bball-shape inflorescence on top of the style, red and yellow petals line up elegantly, can easily blaze people like it is shinning, looks like a torch, can be placed for three to four months, moderate dry for watering but has a strict demand for water quality, not suitable to cultivate in too shady place. It has become one of the rare and valuable flowers in the recent years in Guangdong, already put in production.

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