
2011-07-31来源 : 互联网

We are Russian branch of " ZLATEX Group Ltd.". We are company which sells all kinds of artificial and synthetic yarns and fibres. We have branches in USA, Russia, South Korea and regular customers more than in 20 countries. Your help is very useful for us, because we'd got lots of e-mails and we appreciate your help and interest for our company very much. We are very interested in developing business with Chinese companies, which are involved in textile business and can buy our goods.我们是荷兰ZLATEX集团的俄罗斯分公司,销售各类人造与合成纤维与纱线。在美国、俄罗斯、韩国等20多个国家拥有固定客户。贵网的帮助对我们非常有用,因为我们收到很多Email。同时我们要感谢贵网对本公司的帮助与关注。我们很有兴趣与中国的纺织公司发展业务关系。*诚挚的问候,Yuliya MilokhinaEmail: zlatex@sovintel.ru FAX290-44-18TELEPHONE290-4219/290-5023

联系电话:023-62873158      地址:重庆市渝北区金开大道68号3幢22-1

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